All of the following services are included in our comprehensive package.


The comprehensive package

These services can be provided a'la carte as needed.
Custom packages can be created as requested to fit the individual needs of our clients.

  • Brainstorming, and providing outlines and unlimited edits for common app and supplemental essays, in addition to gender and diversity statements.

  • We construct a detailed action oriented plan for each college that our clients are considering applying to. This plan includes professors who our clients should contact, information on how to impress their regional admissions officer, and a list of scholarships, internships, research programs, and competition clients should take part in so they can have the strongest applicant profile possible.

  • We read and provide CliffNotes of peer reviewed published papers from professors who we recommend our clients get in contact with so they can approach them in the most intelligent manner possible, and maximize their chances of getting a desired response from them.

  • We consult and provide mock interviews to prepare our clients for every conceivable interview they will have to take part in that can impact either directly or indirectly the college admissions process.

  • We do our best to prepare our clients for the competitive endeavors they wish to engage in. This is done by providing instruction in high level topics so that our clients have an edge. For example, if a client is competing in a writing competition, such as the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition, we may introduce them to certain literary theories by Theodor Adorno. Or if they are competing in an investing competition, we may show them how to perform Monte Carlo simulations and to use ARIMA and GARCH models.

  • We advise our clients on what classes and extracurriculars they should engage in. We strive to make sure our clients take the most challenging classes possible that makes sense for the applicant profile they wish to present to the schools they are applying to. We also strive to make sure our clients portray their involvement and interests in their extracurricular activities as sincere and genuine.

  • We help our clients create leadership opportunities, such as starting their own clubs, businesses, blogs, etc.

  • We help our clients forge a resume that adds additional depth to their applicant profile, beyond what essays, transcripts, and letters can convey. We help all of our clients make a resume in LaTeX which showcases exactly the value they provide to every endeavor they engage in and allows them to say they are proficient in LaTeX, which helps them stand out from other applicants.

  • We don’t tell clients to delete all of their social media and then burn all of the devices they previously used.

    Instead we help our clients create an inviting social media presence that will impress admissions officers and add even more depth to their applicant profile.

  • If one of our clients finds themselves to be waitlisted or deferred from a college, we will pull no punches in creating a very long, thorough and compelling appeal letter.

  • We consult our clients on how to build good relationships with potential recommenders. Furthermore, we help clients choose which recommenders to pick for each college and what aspects of them which are expressed in other parts of their application should their recommenders corroborate.

  • Have a teacher who is a harsh grader or just has it out for your teen? If so we can help you minimize the damage they are doing to your teen’s applicant profile. We consult parents for parent-teacher conferences so they are armed with the best arguments to sway a troublesome teacher.

    If reason isn’t enough, we encourage parents to work together with other parents to complain to the school in regards to the teacher’s unfair grading practices.

    If needed, we also write appeal letters for our clients so their grades on papers can be reevaluated.

  • We monitor the grades and engagement our clients have with their potential recommenders. If grades fall below a certain level, we come up with an action plan to bring them back up.

  • * This is an additional add on to comprehensive/custom packages. The hours can vary each week based on the professional recommendations of our tutors and consultants.